General Dentistry Restoration Options for a Damaged Tooth

General Dentist Rockville, MD

General dentistry includes the restoration of damaged teeth, which may refer to cavities or aesthetic issues, such as staining, chipping, or cracking. Thankfully, there are many ways to restore teeth that have become damaged.

The type of damage that occurs will determine what type of restoration is needed. General dentists can identify this as soon as an evaluation of the tooth is performed. Continue reading to find out more about the different procedures. 

How a general dentist restores damaged teeth

Outlined below are a few of the ways that damaged teeth are restored in general dentistry. Reviewing these procedures may be helpful to someone who is not sure what to expect.

Dental crowns

One of the most common restorations used in general dentistry is dental crowns. General dentists recommend dental crowns for just about any type of damage, including to address cavities. Because crowns completely cap a tooth, they are a good treatment for restoring teeth that have begun to decay. Additionally, dental crowns can be used to cap teeth that are damaged from other things, such as accidents leading to cracks or chips. 


Dental bonding is used quite frequently in general dentistry. It is a simple procedure that can go a long way in restoring damaged teeth. Typically, general dentists recommend the procedure to address small cracks or chips in the teeth. Additionally, if there are severe stains that do not respond well to whitening agents, bonding may be a good treatment to consider. 

Inlays and onlays

Inlays are a type of dental restoration used in general dentistry to address the damage done to the areas on a tooth that are in between the cusps, also known as the biting surfaces. More often than not, that damage is a result of a cavity. They are very similar to dental fillings as the treatment is actually quite small and minor. One main difference is that they are pre-molded outside of the actual tooth, meaning it is custom-created. 


Another common dental restoration that is performed in general dentistry is the placement of dental fillings. This procedure is one that is performed on a regular basis as it addresses minor to moderate-sized cavities. Although cavities do not cause immediate damage to the teeth they infect, over time, with no treatment, they can lead to discoloration and pits in the teeth. Having a dental filling placed as soon as a cavity is detected can go a long way as far as maintaining good oral health. 

Find out more today

When looking to undergo a restoration in general dentistry, the best thing to do is consult with the professionals! An evaluation can be done to determine what type of damage is existent, as well as, what type of restoration is going to be most suitable. From there, whatever treatment is required can be administered to help improve oral health. To learn more about dental restorations in general dentistry, reach out today. 

Request an appointment here: or call Twinbrook Dental Center at (240) 860-1376 for an appointment in our Rockville office.

Check out what others are saying about our dental services on Yelp: General Dentistry in Rockville, MD.

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